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Staging and Treatment for Liver Cancer

Staging and Treatment for Liver Cancer

The liver is the largest organ inside your body, located beneath the right lung and rib cage. One of the essential functions of the liver is blood purification. Purification is done to get rid of any toxins and chemicals in the blood to process nutrients and provide energy for the body.
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Breast Cancer Overview – Types, Stats, Prevention, Symptoms

Breast Cancer Overview – Types, Stats, Prevention, Symptoms

Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer death. An estimated one in eight women in the country will develop breast cancer, making it the most common form of cell mutation. In cancer, cells generally tend to grow out of control to form a tumor. Ductal carcinoma is a common type of breast cancer.
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Know more about tubal ligation

Know more about tubal ligation

A lot of married couples who do not want more babies or don’t want babies in the first place are going for tubal ligation or getting the tubes tied, as it is commonly referred to as. Tubal ligation lets you finally ditch the birth control pills, and it frees you from the fear of unwanted pregnancy.
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5 things you must know about In Vitro Fertilization

5 things you must know about In Vitro Fertilization

In vitro fertilization (IVF), known to most of us as the ‘test tube baby,’ is a process where an egg is combined with the sperm externally. The process involves the extraction of an egg from the ovaries of a woman and is then fertilized with an external sperm in a laboratory.
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Essential pregnancy tips for first time Moms

Essential pregnancy tips for first time Moms

If you are a pregnant woman, then you already know that you must take care of your health for you and your baby. You already know the regular ‘don’t smoke and don’t drink’ tips, but in this article, you will know some other useful tips that will help you have a healthy pregnancy.
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Prostate Cancer Treatment Options

Prostate Cancer Treatment Options

The medical provider will use the tumors grade and stage to determine which treatment options will be most beneficial and effective. Active surveillance: Since prostate cancer grows slowly, doctors may choose to delay treatment in men with other serious health issues and instead actively monitor its growth. If chosen, this approach would involve close monitoring of tumor growth with regular testing to ensure that the tumor remains relatively small, is not invading other tissues, and is not causing other health issues.
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The Best Treatment Options For External Hemorrhoids In The Country